The following are the changes since the last official release (2024.11.11):
* Updated and added Lochinvar boiler types and water heater types.
* HVAC Solution version (2024.11.11) added these new features:
* Added option for 100% outside air and fixed some calculation issues with air types on the configurable AH & RTU.
* Added highlight equipment option for “Automatic Selection Needed.”
* Changed drawing of the schematic to show selection handles and highlights even when the view is not the active view.
* Various changes to improve calculation speed.
* Improved performance of insertion of components on connectors, cabinet, space.
* Improved performance of manage coordination and find equipment dialogs.
HVAC Solution version 2024.06.21 added these new features.
* Added a configurable air handler and rooftop unit. Renamed the existing air handler and rooftop unit to custom air handler and custom rooftop unit.
* Added support for Revit 2025.
* Added Corechem GlycoChill+ P-200 as a fluid type. Enhanced the inputting of the secondary concentration of glycol fluids from a user entered value to a list of predetermined values.
* Added Taco types and selection for holding and mixing storage tanks.
* Added a feature that will show data about connectors when hovering mouse over it.
* Added additional components for ID naming using load or pump component.
* Added a feature to highlight various connectors when certain conditions are met (length, velocity, etc.)
* Added a Copy button to the space ventilation number of people.
* Added sorting for imported system/zone/space names.
* Added total modules to modular chillers and heat pumps.
HVAC Solution version 2024.1.7 added these new features:
* Added steam exhaust silencer component.
* Added ionization system component.
* Updated types and selection of Cleaver-Brooks boilers, surge tanks, condensate returns, deaerators, and steam exhaust silencers.
* Added out connection to pressure relief valves.
* Added GPS Air ionization system selection.
* Added ionization system to air wizards.
The following are the changes in official release (2023.12.1):
* Added Revit System Analysis import.
* Added Integrated Piping System design.
* Allow Williams fan coil selection for potable water.
* Enhanced filter type, arrangement and sizing data.
* Added selection of Dynamic filters.
* Added selection of Camus boilers and water heaters.
* Added selection of IMI Flow Design balancing valves, manual valves, pressure independent control valves, fittings and strainers.
* Added selection of IMI TA pressure independent control valves.
* Updated and added selection of Fulton boilers.
* Allow balancing valve manufacturer and type to be selected in the wizards.
* For steel pipes, use threaded fittings for diameters 2" and below.
* Added prefix type names for natural gas pipe and LP gas pipe.
HVAC Solution version 2022.06.20 added these new features.
* Added area to space schedules.
* Allow schedule row shading to be disabled.
* Increased the width of the location column in equipment schedules of most terminal units.
* Added Select Similar feature.
HVAC Solution version 2022.08.09 added these new features. * The following are the changes since the last official release (2022.3.25):
* Added natural gas and LP gas schematics and pipe sizing. * Added humidification to the air wizard. * Added single stream air-to-air energy recovery, dual stream air-to-air energy recovery and hydronic loop energy recovery to the air wizard. * Add support for Revit 2023. * Use the Ctrl key to restrict the movement of objects to horizontal or vertical. * Sort the component panel; changed "Airflow" to "Air" in component panel and toolbars. * Allow equipment selection to be performed on selected items only. * Separated duct and space terminals in the air wizard so that space terminals can be inserted on any space. * Added absorption distance and tube spacing to the humidifier dispersion grid. * Added operating pressure to the humidifier steam and steam-to-steam generators. * Allow relief air components to be in the cabinet for more conditions. * Updated Armstrong mixing center models. * Updated Aermec NRL selection (air-cooled chiller, heat recovery air-cooled chiller, air-to-fluid heat pump, heat recovery air-to-fluid heat pump). * Updated examples. *
. HVAC Solution version 9.6.2 added these new features. * Enhanced CHVAC import to use the room number and room name as the space name. * Added ability to link Revit spaces to HVAC Solution spaces. * Added Laars Commercial Electric boiler type with selection. * Updated Laars MagnaTherm and Pennant boiler and water heater selection. * Added Multiaqua MHRC2 standard and simultaneous air-to-fluid heat pump with selection. * Changed Multiaqua air cooled chiller selection from MAC to MAC-HE. * Added new Multiaqua fan coil types and enhanced selection. * Added simultaneous usage hydronic branch units with Multiaqua selection. * Added single usage hydronic branch units with Multiaqua selection.
HVAC Solution 9.5.1 included videos available on our YouTube page.
HVAC Solution 9.4.3 added these new features
* Added HPT single and dual stream air-to-air energy recovery selection. * Allow user to override the default fixture data. * Changed air handlers and rooftop units to only include coil loads in the heating and cooling sections and renamed those selections. * When importing, put coil leaving dry bulb/wet bulb into space cooling air data. * Revised pipe flow directions calculation. * Revised calculation when using grilles, registers and diffusers. * Revised calculation of extraction/injection well pair heat source-sink type. * Revised calculation with temperature values at the edge of the psychrometric chart.
HVAC Solution 9.3.1 added these features:
* Added Patterson-Kelley HiDRA water heater selection. * Added Axiom DMF150 glycol feeder. * Hands Down Software Psychrometric Chart Update. * Added extraction/injection well pair type for heat source-sink, including deep well submersible pump. * Changed "Insert Duplicate Schematic Component" feature to allow for multiple components. * Displacement ventilation calculation update with Price Diffuser Automatic Selection. * Added controls connect point to some valves. * Speed up the insertion of domestic and DWV fixtures. HVAC Solution 9.2.3 added these new features:
* Added Hands Down Software psychrometric charts and calculations. * Added Air/Fluid-to-Fluid heat pump. * Added quantities to fans. * Added Recovery/Delivery refrigerant coils. * Added support for Revit 2019. * Allow the space cooling air temperature to be set by sensible heat ratio, WB or RH. * Added displacement ventilation. * Enhanced CHVAC import to include data for displacement ventilation calculations. * Added displacement diffusers with Price selection. * Added preferred minimum size for single duct terminal units. * Added Single Stream Air-to-Air Energy Recovery. * Split "Existing" classification to "Existing to Remain" and "Existing to be Demolished"; changed how "Existing" classification components and connectors are displayed; added menu to change classification. * Added a structural schedule. * Revised changing of medium on components with duplicate coil component. * Revised recovery coils to get the space target temperature if upstream of the space.
HVAC Solution 9.1.2 added these new features.
* Newly added furnace component with natural gas, propane and electric heating options as well as refrigerant cooling options. * Added propane and natural gas unit heaters. * Added a packaged fluid heat pump coil. * Added selection of Siemens pressure independent control valves. * Enhanced the editing of linked data. Under File/Import you will see "Update Data Link". This will bring up a new interface which allows you to update your load Trane Trace and Elite CHVAC data. * You can now turn on/off the display of the detailed component toolbar and just have the compact toolbar shown. * Tweaked calculations for designing systems with hydronic heaters. * Update LoadMatch systems with complex piping arrangements. * Added more detail to the Patterson-Kelley duration indirect water heaters pictures.
HVAC Solution 9.0.1 added these new features.
* Added extra tiers to the component toolbar. * Added spreadsheet view for editing data. * Selection of Cook fans. * Selection of Griswold valves. * Allow starting a connector by clicking on an unused connect point. * Selection of Bray valves. * Added Viessmann boiler and water heater/boiler selection. * Allow the user to prefer even size terminal units over odd size. * Added fluid to fluid heat pumps with heat source and heat recovery heat pumps and chillers to the hydronic wizards. * Selection of Paterson Kelly boilers.
Version 8.4.1 added these features:
* Added Cook fan selection. * Added Patterson-Kelley boiler, water heater, and indirect water heater selection. * Added Taco 2-way and 3-way control valve selection. * Added Bray 2-way and 3-way control valve selection. * Added Griswold pressure independent control valve, 2-way control valve, 3-way control valve, and balancing valve selection. * Added new Aermec chiller type selection (NYB and WWM). * Updated Titus active chilled beam selection code. * Added mixing storage tank option to the hyronic system wizard. * Changed single straight lines to allow for multiple segments with other than 90 degree angles. * Changed Viega protective end cap quantity to 0. * Show total pipe length in the Bill of Materials in addition to the total units. * Renamed Duct Joint component to Duct Expansion Joint; renamed Pipe Joint component to Pipe Fitting; used Pipe Fitting component to select Viagra compression fittings and protective end cap for insulated pipe. * Updated the action of increasing the number of ports on a hydronic manifold. * Updated connection of exhaust fan for certain fan types. * Add to total MCA option for fan coils and indoor VRF units; add to schedule * Added additional word wrapping on Excel spreadsheets.
8.3.2 added these new features: 
* Added support for Revit 2018 * Added Additional AERCO selection: SmartPlate single wall indirect water heater, AM Series boiler, AM Series and AMR Series water heater, Benchmark Platinum and MFC dual return boiler.
* Added additional Viega products: Insulated Barrier PEX (single and dual), Viagra INsulated Barrier PEX protective end caps, wall penetration seals, hydronic manifolds, compression adapter, compression coupling with insulation kit.
* Combined hydronic wizard schematics when the heating and cooling source is the same.
* Allow tees to be added to the bill of materials.
* Allow connectors to be a single, straight line.
* Ensure hood connection is pointing down.
* Changed how the coordination flags properties are handled, now works better with HI Res monitors.
* Updated pipe cost data.
* Updated calculation of head paths with headers and manifolds.
* Updated calculation of loads with headers and manifolds.
* Updated the Variable Speed Drives with controls viewport.
* Updated connection directions on heat exchanger pictures involving steam.
* Updated CHVAC import in detecting the building row.
* Added domestic pipe pressure annotation.
* Updated the calculation of head loss path for primary/secondary systems with multiple primary pumps.
* Updated the calculation of leaving pressure for a domestic booster pump.
* Updated the calculation of the loads of a VRF heat recovery outdoor unit when getting loads from multiple VRF branch units.
* Added a VRF Tool Bar with outdoor and indoor units as well as branch selectors.
* Added ability to reorder coils in air handler wizards.
* Added ability to lock the position of project objects.
* Added option to show control points in diagrams other than just the controls viewpoint.
* Added a feature called "Show Associated Equipment", which gives the user the ability to show pressure paths and volume components without going into properties.
* Added ability to set components to either top view or side view instead of just toggling.
* Added domestic check valve, strainer, indicator, sensor, test port, pipe expansion joint, relief valve and back flow preventer valve.
* Added pipe joint for domestic, DWV, refrigerant and VRF.
* Allow "Select Only" when editing multiple objects.